Sunday 15 December 2013

Writing a book

It all starts with a blank page

So in the modern era I have been informed that I need to write a blog. I am not sure what to write in my first blog. You maybe thinking.... Why are you writing a blog? Well, I have written a book and I would like a lot of people to read it. My preference is that people read it and love it; to get you to read it then I need to let you know that I have written it.

The book is an idea I have had for ten years. The main motivation for writing the book is to share my experiences of travelling but most importantly talk about human relationships as it is something I have always found interesting. I have always found it fascinating how we meet people, why our paths cross and ultimately why our paths were meant to cross in the first place. Why do we get on with certain people? Why is it around some people we 'feel' a connection? Is it chemical? Is it fate? I know this may sound a little cheesy and it probably is but isn't that what life is about?

I am still in the process of editing the story and making sure that it is ready for the human eye; there are all sorts of hurdles to go yet. I am not a grammatical expert..... so that will need to be sorted as unfortunately some people judge you on grammar and not the story. I also need to finish this gin and tonic. That is also very important.

I often question that I am a lady due to my inability to multi-task but I am currently watching 'orange is the new black' while typing. I think this will at least earn me a certificate..... or something.

Anyway, there will be more over the coming weeks. This is just a sample of my random thoughts... which come out more in the book but with a bit of a story for structure. Although to be honest I do lack a bit of structure.... so you can expect that too.

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